We are very happy to inform 2021-22 what we reached we want to give some good information to our clients, In this year (2021-2022) We sold all detergents including new product Purex 100L ( 1,20,000 kg ) We sold Emulsifiers ( 65,000 ltrs ) We sold Softners ( 48,000 ltrs ) Etc.... Now our products available in India: Delhi, Chennai, Gorakhpur, Goa, Hyderabad & Thirupati New Products ? New Technology ? Purex 100L Solvent Technology Detergent Powder It's allready successfully manufacturing in Germany and China and Japan we are innovativly launched into India Market It's Green Solvents Technology With Out Surfactants Cleaning & Stain Removing and Insoluble Stains will Remove Micro Cap 40mg: (Fabric Softener Boosters Cum Conditioners) It's Heat proof technology based Fabric Soft & Conditioner After drying cloth in Tumbler dryers fragrance will come. Long lasting Fragrance R& D time we observed after 1 week also fragrance coming Energy ABL: Additive for D